Se usaron bloques de 100 y hasta 200 T. traídos de una cantera a 30 km. Están alineadas perfectamente con los puntos cardinales y el Cinturón de Orión. Los egipcios de esa época ni siquiera conocían el Hierro.


Tú no puedes solucionar unos problemas con el mismo nivel de CONSCIENCIA que los creó. -Albert Einstein


El hombre más peligroso para cualquier gobierno es el capaz de reflexionar... Casi inevitablemente, llegará a la conclusión de que el gobierno bajo el que vive es deshonesto, loco e intolerable. -H. L. Mencken


Nuestro mundo está organizado de tal modo que una pequeña élite controla al resto a través de una jerarquía de jefes sobre otros jefes hasta llegar a los obreros en la base. El nivel de conocimiento separa a unos niveles de otros. -David Icke


El objetivo de las élites es crear un gobierno mundial dictatorial, fascista, donde el Estado Policial es omnipresente y las libertades individuales no existen. -David Icke


Condenar algo sin investigarlo previamente es la cota más alta de la ignorancia. -Albert Einstein


La Opinión Pública lo es todo. Si está a tu favor, nada podrá salir mal. Si está en tu contra, nada podrá tener éxito. El que moldea la Opinión Pública tiene un mayor poder que el que hace las leyes. -Abraham Lincoln


Tú debes convertirte en el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo. -Mahatma Gandhi


Debe hacerse tan popular y tan simple que hasta el más estúpido la pueda entender. A la gente se la puede convencer de que el Paraíso es el Infierno, o a la inversa, de que la vida más horrible es el Paraíso. -Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf"


La mayoría de la gente es OTRA gente. Sus pensamientos son la opinión de otros, sus vidas una imitación, sus pasiones una cita de un libro. -Oscar Wilde


En religión y política, la gente casi siempre las adquiere, sin examinarlas, de autoridades que tampoco las han examinado y que, a su vez, las han adquirido de unos terceros cuyas opiniones no valen UNA PUTA MIERDA. -Mark Twain


Es fácil que una pequeña élite controle a una amplia mayoria a través de estructuras jerárquicas donde cada uno se está en su sitio sin moverse y sin interesarse nunca por nada. -David Icke


La cobardía pregunta si es seguro, la conveniencia si es cortés, y la vanidad si es popular. Pero la Consciencia pregunta si es JUSTO. Y siempre llega un tiempo donde uno debe tomar una postura que no es nada excepto JUSTA. -M. L. King


¿El atentado del 11-S fue ejecutado por el Gobierno en la Sombra de EEUU a través de infiltrados y aliados al más alto nivel en el ejército, los servicios secretos y los medios de comunicación?


¿El Dinero es el único Dios de este mundo porque lo controla TODO? ¿Los banqueros son los nuevos sacerdotes? ¿Los símbolos sagrados y ocultistas en los billetes atraen energías adecuadas a los fines de este clero?


Hay hechos documentados de sobra que demuestran que ciertos policías, miembros del servicio secreto, periodistas y jueces trabajaron para "dar un golpe de estado mediático" mintiendo, destruyendo pruebas o creando pruebas falsas.


¿Otras especies y civilizaciones nos visitan con frecuencia? ¿Algunos son benéficos, otros son malvados, y la mayoría parece neutral o indiferente? ¿Los gobiernos cierran beneficiosos tratos mientras lo niegan todo?


Con fama de endogámicos, herméticos, arrogantes, de "sangre azul", ¿nuestros líderes y reyes pertenecen a una raza distinta, con amplios y ancestrales conocimientos sobre la Realidad y lo Oculto?


¿Gente tan increíblemente estúpida e incompetente trabaja para "Amos Ocultos" que mueven sus hilos y a los que deben pagar los favores recibidos? ¿El "juego político" es una farsa para anestesiarnos?


Es un hecho científico demostrable que ESTO no lo pudieron hacer tipos con lianas, troncos y herramientas de bronce. Tampoco podemos reproducirlo con nuestra tecnología actual.

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

What Witches, Satanists and Other Occultists Say About Halloween




What Witches, Satanists and Other Occultists Say About Halloween

Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. September 1998 David L. Brown
Copies of this book are available by contacting:

Logos Communication Consortium, Inc.
P.O. BOX 173 - Oak Creek, WI 53154
Phone: (414) 768-9754 - Fax: (414) 762-8922

 WARNING!This book is NOT intended for children!  It is written to warn parents and adults of abominations and perversions of Halloween, witchcraft and the occult.

Links to Topics:

An Occult Religious Day

So, what do those who are involved in the occult say about Halloween? Do they acknowledge that Halloween is a pagan day past and present? Consider the following
Witch - Doreen Valiente: "Halloween is one of the four Great Sabbats of the witches that everyone has heard about. To witches, Halloween is a serious occasion, however merrily celebrated. It is the old Celtic Eve of Samhain. With the coming of Christianity, the Church tried to Christianize the old festival by making 1st November All Saints Day, or All Hallows as the old term was. Thus Samhain Eve became All Hallows Eve, or Halloween. But attempts to discourage the pagan celebrations were so unavailing that the festival was eventually banned from the Church calendar. It was not until 1928 that the Church of England formally restored All Hallows to its calendar, on the assumption that the old pagan associations of Halloween were at last really dead and forgotten; a supposition that was certainly premature."
Witch - Margot Adler: "All the Great Festivals of Paganism, wherever they may be found, correspond in common with the Solstices, Equinoxes, and other natural annual cycles of life. Most of these remain with us today in more or less disguised form as the so-called Christian holidays of Christmas (Yule), Easter (Ostara), May Day (Beltane), Thanksgiving (Harvest Home), Halloween (Samhain) and even Groundhogs day (Oimelc)."
Witch - Sharon Graham: "Salem (Massachusetts) is a mecca, especially around Samhain. It is our holiday, our new year, and a lot of witches come here from all over the world"
Satanist - Anton Szandor LaVey (now deceased)"Two major holidays, HALLOWEEN and Walpurgisnacht are celebrated by the Church of Satan."
Gothic & Vampire Cults: I was the guest on a nationally aired TV talk show several years ago. I was speaking out against Halloween and warning of the dangers of occult practices. I was seated next to Catrina, who professed to be a vampire. After the show, we were assigned to the same limo to take us back to the airport. In our conversation it was clear that Halloween was a very important day for vampires. Also, many in the Gothic movement assemble at graveyards on Halloween for their bizarre celebrations.
The Day of The Dead: I should note as, well that many Mexicans celebrate El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) on October 31. Family members who have died are believed to return to their grave sites.
Voodoo: The Voodoo Museum in New Orleans usually offers a special Halloween ritual in which people may see true voodoo rites.
Followers of Crowley: Major-General J.F.C. (Boney) Fuller was a devotee of the heroine addicted, sex pervert, black magician and so called High Priest of Satanism in Britain, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). Crowley boasted of being "the wickedest man in the world" and openly despised Christ and the faith of his parents who were Plymouth Brethren. Fuller indicated that Samhain (Halloween) was an important ritual day to Crowley and his followers and it still is today.

Halloween Is A Recognized Occult Holiday

Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. 1 Corinthians 10:21
Halloween is a religious day but not a Christian day. Satanists, witches and other occultists will go to court for their right to perform their demonic rituals on this day. Halloween is a recognized religious Holiday. Here is proof --
A federal judge has set the wheels in motion to force a federal correctional facility in Jefferson County, Colorado to allow a prisoner to perform a Satanic ritual on Halloween. Tom McMillan of the Rocky Mountain Family Policy Council cant believe it. This case flies in the face of two upper Appeals Court cases, both of which held that Satanism is not a recognized religion and therefore the prison officials do not have to provide space and implements for the performance of a Satanic ritual. McMillan says Judge Edward Nottingham issued a preliminary injunction allowing the ritual, even though the prisoner admits it includes a destruction ritual, in which he visualizes the death of his enemies.

The Military Recognizes Halloween

A U.S. Air Force physical therapist who says she has been a practicing witch for four years won permission to take Halloween and seven other days off as religious holidays. A spokesman at Lackland Air Force base in San Antonio said regulations require that Patricia Hutchins...be accorded the same freedom to express her religious beliefs as any other religious believer.

The Prison System Recognizes Halloween

The Maine State Prison allowed members of a witch coven (the Coven of Dawn) to hold a two-hour service on the feast day they call Samhain (Halloween), after the Druidic festival of year's end. This is our time to give praise to our lord and lady for the bountiful harvest, said the founder of the goddess-oriented coven. He said that 75 inmates have been initiated into the religion since its start in 1981.


Witches and Satanists love Halloween. They get a lot of media coverage around that time of year. It's good P.R. (public relations) for them because the coverage, as a rule, portrays them in a favorable light. In addition, Halloween generates interest in "the craft" and is good for recruitment purposes. As Craig Hawkins put it: "With increasing vigor, witchcraft is coming out of the broom closet. Many witches are actively seeking public understanding and acceptance."
Despite the public relations campaign to "sell" the public on the "virtues" of witchcraft, modern day witches and satanists still worship demon gods and goddesses, cast spells, practice bizarre and immoral sexual rituals, and certain individuals and groups offer animal and human sacrifices.
Texe Marrs, well known New Age researcher said this about the activities of witches on Halloween:
Our own research confirms that on this unholy night [Halloween], witches' covens meet, drink, dance, spit out curses and spells, conjure up spirits, engage in sexual orgies, induct new members, and offer up animal and human sacrifices. (Witches have become expert at covering up these sacrifices by use of cremation ovens and the use of privately owned land preserves for disposal of bodies in deeply dug graves.)
It is clear that Halloween is a religious celebration, but not a Christian celebration. It was and still is the holiday of witches, satanists and occultists. Read carefully the following words of a former High Priest in the Celtic tradition of Wicca -- "Halloween is purely and absolutely evil, and there is nothing we ever have or will do that would make it acceptable to the Lord Jesus."
Owen Rachleff gives us some additional food for thought.
Halloween can be, and to many is, a deadly serious affair. [It] originated with pre-Christian Druids or Celts in Northern Europe, who marked the year by four seasonal festivals. The autumn feast took place on November 1st. Early Christians, desiring a part in the traditional festivities, created All Saints' Day to coincide with the pagan rites. Satanists, acting true to form, reversed the Christian procedure. Because November 1st was All Saints' Day (All Souls' Day, November 2nd, memorializes the dead), Satanists established October 31st as an "All Demon's Night". As surely as the Christian martyrs and saints dominated their own holiday, so did the demons permeate the preceding evening. All Hallows' Eve predictably became a time of spells, curses, and horrors for those who did not believe, but for the Satanists, particularly the witches, it was a joyous festival and major sabbat. So it remains in a diluted form, ironically celebrated by Christian society ! far more vigorously than All Saints' Day.
Historically, Halloween is obviously and totally a pagan, worship day. It is still the most important unholy day for Witches, Satanists and other occultists. The Bible says, "I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils."1 Corinthians 10:20 In another place it is written, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness" Ephesians 5:11.

Satanic Calendar - The Forbidden Knowledge




Satanic Calendar

7  -  St Winebald day:  Blood rituals, dismemberment.  Animal/human sacrifice.
17 - Satanic revels:  Sexual rituals.
20 - 26:  Sacrifice preparation:  kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
26 - The Da Muer ritual:  Grand climax.  Sex rituals and human sacrifice of woman/child.

2  -  Candlemass:  Mass initiation of new members and animal or human sacrifice.

1  -  St Eichatadt Day:  Blood rituals involving the drinking of human blood for strength and homage/honours to demons.
20 - Vernal/Spring Equinox:  A feast day involving orgies and animal or human sacrifice.
24 - Feast of the beast:  A sixteen year old girl becomes the bride of satan in a marriage ceremony. 

Easter Week-end:  Black mass/black sabbath.  To mock the death of Jesus Christ, a man is sacrificed on Good Friday.  On Easter Sunday, known to satanists as unholy sunday, a woman or man is sacrificed followed by three days of fasting and chanting.
19 - 25  Sacrifice preparation:  kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
25  The Da Muer ritual:  Grand climax.  Sex rituals and sacrifice of a woman or young girl.
30  Walpurgis night/Beltane:  One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar.  Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.

24  Ascension day:  Rituals to mock the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven.

17  Corpus Christi:  Feast to mock the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
21  St John's Eve:  Feast day with orgies and animal or human sacrifice.

1  Demon revels:  Blood rituals and sexual relations with demons. 
20 - 27  Sacrifice preparation:  Kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for sacrifice.
27  Grand climax:  Sexual rituals and female sacrifice.

1  Lammas day:  Animal or human sacrifice.
3  Satanic revels:  Sexual ritual.

20  Autumnal Equinox:  Midnight host.  Blood ritual.  Dismemberment of corpses:  hands are removed from hand of glory rituals.  Cannibalism usually occurs.
23  Feast day and sexual orgies, with human sacrifice.

22 - 29  Sacrifice preparation:  kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.
28 - 30  Satanist high unholy days:  Related to halloween.  Human sacrifices.
31  All hallow's Eve (Halloween):  One of the two most important nights of the year.  Attempts are made to break the bond which is keeping the doors to the underworld closed.  Blood and sexual rituals.  Sexual association with demons.   Animal and human sacrifice -  male or female.

1 - 3  High unholy days:  Related to halloween.  Human sacrifices.

22  Summer Solstice:  Animal and human sacrifices are made.
24  Demon revels:  Male and female sacrifice.
25  Yuletide:  Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess.  The satanist's own birthday is very important.  The satanist says:  "Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one".   (LaVey, the satanic bible).

2 February:                            Candlemas
April (varies)                         Good Friday
30 April          May night/Maypole dance
1 May                          Baltane (May day)
21 June                              St John's Eve
1 August                                     Lammas
31 October                               Halloween
1 December                    St Thomas day

Black                                  Darkness, night, evil, devil, sorrow.
Blue               Vigilance, water, tears, sadness, pornography.
Green                               Vegetation, nature, soothing, restful.
Red                                                 Blood, physical life, energy.
White                                         Cleanliness, purity, innocence.
Yellow                                     Perfection, wealth, glory, power.

Satanic Holidays - Satanism and Satanic Magic




Satanic Holidays

Satanic Holidays / Celebrations

These are the Magnum Opus Coven Satanic Holidays. The most important holiday is a Coven member’s birthday.

Dates (varies yearly)
Event Type
Jan. 1
New Year’s Day
coven celebration
Jan. 7
St. Winebald Day
blood ritual
Jan. 17
Satanic Magic
sex ritual
Feb. 2
Satanic Magic
sex ritual
Feb. 25
St. Walpurgis Day
blood ritual
Mar. 15,17
Eides of March
coven celebration
Mar. 20
date varies
(Spring Equinox)
coven celebration
date varies
Black Friday
blood ritual
date varies
Easter Eve Day
blood ritual
Apr. 26 – May 1
Grand Climax
coven celebration
Apr. 30
blood / sex ritual
May 1
Walpurgis Day
coven celebration
Jun. 21
date varies
(Summer Solstice)
coven celebration
Jul. 1
Demonic Magic
blood ritual
Jul. 27
Grand Climax
blood / sex ritual
Aug. 1
Lammas Day
blood ritual
Aug. 3
Satanic Magic
sex ritual
Sept. 7
A Bride for the Beast
sex ritual
Sept. 21
Midnight Host
blood ritual
date varies
(Fall Equinox)
coven celebration
Oct. 30-31
All Hallows Eve and Halloween Night
blood / sex ritual
Nov. 1
Satanic Holy Day
coven celebration
Nov. 4
Satanic Magic
sex ritual
Dec. 22
(Winter Solstice)

coven celebration
Dec. 24
Satanic – Demonic Magic / Xmas Eve
blood / sex ritual

Read more about Satanic Holidays and Rituals by visiting theSatanic Holiday and Ritual page.

Satanic Holidays and Rituals of Satanism
 Magnum Opus Satanic Coven,Tampa,Florida
Starting on
Ending on