Se usaron bloques de 100 y hasta 200 T. traídos de una cantera a 30 km. Están alineadas perfectamente con los puntos cardinales y el Cinturón de Orión. Los egipcios de esa época ni siquiera conocían el Hierro.


Tú no puedes solucionar unos problemas con el mismo nivel de CONSCIENCIA que los creó. -Albert Einstein


El hombre más peligroso para cualquier gobierno es el capaz de reflexionar... Casi inevitablemente, llegará a la conclusión de que el gobierno bajo el que vive es deshonesto, loco e intolerable. -H. L. Mencken


Nuestro mundo está organizado de tal modo que una pequeña élite controla al resto a través de una jerarquía de jefes sobre otros jefes hasta llegar a los obreros en la base. El nivel de conocimiento separa a unos niveles de otros. -David Icke


El objetivo de las élites es crear un gobierno mundial dictatorial, fascista, donde el Estado Policial es omnipresente y las libertades individuales no existen. -David Icke


Condenar algo sin investigarlo previamente es la cota más alta de la ignorancia. -Albert Einstein


La Opinión Pública lo es todo. Si está a tu favor, nada podrá salir mal. Si está en tu contra, nada podrá tener éxito. El que moldea la Opinión Pública tiene un mayor poder que el que hace las leyes. -Abraham Lincoln


Tú debes convertirte en el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo. -Mahatma Gandhi


Debe hacerse tan popular y tan simple que hasta el más estúpido la pueda entender. A la gente se la puede convencer de que el Paraíso es el Infierno, o a la inversa, de que la vida más horrible es el Paraíso. -Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf"


La mayoría de la gente es OTRA gente. Sus pensamientos son la opinión de otros, sus vidas una imitación, sus pasiones una cita de un libro. -Oscar Wilde


En religión y política, la gente casi siempre las adquiere, sin examinarlas, de autoridades que tampoco las han examinado y que, a su vez, las han adquirido de unos terceros cuyas opiniones no valen UNA PUTA MIERDA. -Mark Twain


Es fácil que una pequeña élite controle a una amplia mayoria a través de estructuras jerárquicas donde cada uno se está en su sitio sin moverse y sin interesarse nunca por nada. -David Icke


La cobardía pregunta si es seguro, la conveniencia si es cortés, y la vanidad si es popular. Pero la Consciencia pregunta si es JUSTO. Y siempre llega un tiempo donde uno debe tomar una postura que no es nada excepto JUSTA. -M. L. King


¿El atentado del 11-S fue ejecutado por el Gobierno en la Sombra de EEUU a través de infiltrados y aliados al más alto nivel en el ejército, los servicios secretos y los medios de comunicación?


¿El Dinero es el único Dios de este mundo porque lo controla TODO? ¿Los banqueros son los nuevos sacerdotes? ¿Los símbolos sagrados y ocultistas en los billetes atraen energías adecuadas a los fines de este clero?


Hay hechos documentados de sobra que demuestran que ciertos policías, miembros del servicio secreto, periodistas y jueces trabajaron para "dar un golpe de estado mediático" mintiendo, destruyendo pruebas o creando pruebas falsas.


¿Otras especies y civilizaciones nos visitan con frecuencia? ¿Algunos son benéficos, otros son malvados, y la mayoría parece neutral o indiferente? ¿Los gobiernos cierran beneficiosos tratos mientras lo niegan todo?


Con fama de endogámicos, herméticos, arrogantes, de "sangre azul", ¿nuestros líderes y reyes pertenecen a una raza distinta, con amplios y ancestrales conocimientos sobre la Realidad y lo Oculto?


¿Gente tan increíblemente estúpida e incompetente trabaja para "Amos Ocultos" que mueven sus hilos y a los que deben pagar los favores recibidos? ¿El "juego político" es una farsa para anestesiarnos?


Es un hecho científico demostrable que ESTO no lo pudieron hacer tipos con lianas, troncos y herramientas de bronce. Tampoco podemos reproducirlo con nuestra tecnología actual.

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

David icke: El culto a Saturno (subtitulado por Fabiocomplejo) 2012



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Publicado el 10/08/2012 por 
(subtitulado por Fabiocomplejo)
Fragmento de video donde David Icke habla sobre su opinión en cuanto a Saturno, en un entrevista que le hacen a él y a Brian Gerrish los presentadores James y Lou del programa radial "The Liberty Tactics Show". En este fragmento David nos cuenta cómo las religiones empujan a las personas para adorar a ese místico planeta-sol. Saturno: Satan.

Para escuchar la entrevista completa en su idioma original, ingresar a este link:



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Saturn in everyday life

Interesante artículo sobre el papel de SATURNO en nuestra vida diaria.




Saturn in everyday life

I am going to try and show you where in life we meet Saturn`s symbolism and how everything that carries its symbol has the astrological qualities of the planet.

In astrology Saturn is the planet of structure, respect, obedience, tradition, restriction, control, authority, time, matter, fear, poverty and death. Lovely! It rules old people, authority figures, corporations, traditional institutions, the Law, all rules.

There are three widely spread symbols for Saturn. The sickle, the Black cube and the ring (as in Saturn`s rings)

The sickle is of course the instrument Death is depicted with, and the ancient Greek god-Kronos-the God of time, as we can see both symbols are part of the astrological meaning of Saturn. It was also the emblem of communism:

And as we know communism was one of the most oppressive regimes that tried to control every move of its civilians. Its method of control was fear and indoctrination. So however humanitarian and noble the original ideology of communism was meant to be (equality, egalitarianism) all things ruled by Uranus, it really turned into a  political system of the worst Saturnian type, instilling fear, restriction and poverty.

The other image for Saturn is the black cube. In all occult traditions the cube is a symbol of matter, reverse of the shpere, which represents spirit. What is the connection of the cube to Saturn:

Recent pictures from NASA reveals a constant formation of a hexagon at Saturn`s north pole.

The hexagon is, of course, a representation of a three dimentional cube. So as we see the connection with the cube shape is not only symbolic but factual and visual as well. The ancient Seeres who gave this Symbol to Saturn were surely aware of the existence of this unusual formation, they were great clairvoyants after all.  The colour black is also ruled by Saturn, hence the black cube.

The Kaaba, the sacred stone that the Muslims venerate is actually a black cube:

Before it was claimed by the Muslims, this stone used to be a place for worship of the Goddess Kybele, the wife of Kronos (Saturn).

Muslims circle around the stone 7 times, the number of the rings of Saturn.

And of course, the Muslim religion is really Saturnian-it is full of rules, laws and traditions.

The three dimensional Cube corresponds to The Holy Name Yahweh. The three dimensional Cube consists of 12 lines, 8 points, and 6 sides (12+8+6=26). The gematria of The Holy Name Yahweh is 26. The three dimensional Cube is The Holy Name of Yahweh expressed geometrically! So as we can see Judaism is also a Sturnian religion, where the God should be feared, obeyed, and his rules should be strictly followed. It is very conservative and traditional in its nature just as the energies of the planet Saturn that it worships.

Another representation of the black cube is the mortarboard that students wear at graduation:

The square stands for indoctrination, tradition, being part of an institution-all Saturnian qualities. Don`t think it has been created by chance to look like this, it was designed by knowledgable people (usually high degree secret society initiates who are adepts at astrology and ceremonial magic) who wanted to invoke the forces of Saturn whenever that ritual of graduation is performed. Obedience, tradition, structure, respect!

Here are a few more black cubes that are "innocently" placed in key positions around the world, in honour of Saturn-the god of control and materialism:

And now the last symbol for Saturn, the Ring, derived from the famous rings of the planets.

When we get married we place a ring on our left hand-it is a promise that we are bonded and restricted to just one person. Saturn is astrologically exalted (means the planet feels best) in the sign of marriage and partnership-Libra, hence its connection to the institution of marriage.

In fact all institutions are under the rulership of Saturn. Every institution has a set of rules and traditions that should not be broken, and are associated with keeping the established status and are opposed to novelty-all things that make the progressive mind feel like it is being bound by rings of restriction.

People who have a strong Saturn, or planets in Capricorn-the sign of Saturn, in their horoscopes are usually, very authoritative, conservative, they respect the traditions and rules, have structure in their life, feel a need to control their environment and themselves and sometimes might be very apprehensive and full of fear and feelings of pessimism. The best thing is that they age gracefully and feel better and better the older they get.

Whenever a certain planet`s astrological symbolism is attached to something-ideology, religion, company, person, etc, it really acquires the planetary vibrations and its character and influence become the same as the astrological/occult meaning of the planet.


  1. Actually, if I could link this article, "Saturn in everyday life", with the Saturn return one, I can reach to a very interesting result about what Saturn did for me, while it entered Virgo in 2007 , I'm a Sagittarius by the way and turning thirty by the next November, I was inside the eye of the storm for sure and I'm trying to recover from that hectic although fruitful experience I've been through, but this isn't my point, my point is related to the color black! since November 2007 up until now, my favorite color was and still the black, everything I bought was black and everything I did wear was black as well and black was the center of attraction to me towards the other sex; women dressed in black for instance .

    I asked Lada a question about whether or not Saturn was responsible even for my colors preferences and choices, and does astrology really affect us to that extent or the color issue was just a coincidence with Saturn' entrance into Virgo at the time!!!

    Lada, kindly replied to my question by stating that it was a very interesting observation I made and she made it clear that the color black is indeed ruled by Saturn and plenty of people with strong Saturn prefer it to any other, she said, if you have gone through a heavy Saturn transit to some personal planet since 2007 then, indeed it was his influence that changed even your preference .During Saturn transit we want to be taken seriously to radiate authority and we perceive the world as much more grown up place, not one for games, pranks pinks and bright blues!.

    She told me about Neptune transit for instance and how it makes someone sees everything through rose colored glasses and be in a romantic, sentimental mood, hence when its influence finishes, you can realize that your preferred colors were the frilly, flowery violets, pinks and yellows during the transit!

    Lada’s reply was really amazing and interesting to me and I have to admit that Lada is the first astrologer who gets my attention to the point that I need to reconsider my approach to astrology ,her blog and her reply to me made me think that her approach is really different and somehow convincing!
    I wasn’t into astrology that much, but a friend of mine, she is a Sag herself, just like me, told me about Saturn entrance to Virgo “our house of career and public image” and I personally have my moon in Virgo, in 2007 and left in July 2010, made me somehow interested to understand why my last three years were really HECTIC and HEAVY on me in terms of career and public image, since I still can’t find my real place in this world!. Lada’s articles about Saturn gave me the full picture about what I’ve been through, astrologically speaking. Especially she pointed that if I have gone through a heavy Saturn transit to some personal planet since 2007 then, indeed it was his influence that changed even your preference without even telling her that I have my moon in Virgo.
    It wasn’t only my wardrobe was filled up with black; ladies dressed in black started to attract me the most. I was even really getting attracted to authority women figures that exert a kind of subtle or hidden power, but I was more than serious in dealing with such issues, Lada was extremely right, I had no time for games or plays…
    So, I was passing through two heavy aspects, Saturn transit to Virgo my moon and my house of career and public image in one hand and my Saturn return in the other hand, but I really wonder how I made it through to this very moment and I wonder when Saturn will set me free to start up a normal life!! -:)
    Best of the best,
  2. Yeah nice post,thanks for sharing it with us. I have saturn http://youtu.be/LoO449KDMgI in birth-chart. I heard that it is a slow moving planet and has the longest influence in a house.If possible please predict how my horoscope Sagittarius will be in near future.

John Harris - Undermining Democracy



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Subido por  el 05/08/2011
John Harris - Undermining Democracy
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